Wellness Business

Wellness Business

So i’m about to give you a sneak peek into this type of business.
A business that is so tainted by the fact that it is a multi-level-marketing system.

First of all, let’s put that to bed.

This business HAS to be set up this way!
I love that people aren’t just buying essential oils off the shelves, taking them home, and going “okay, what do i do with them now?” because of the support and education that comes with the purchase.

In this business, the support doesn’t end after you’ve bought them.
You have access to someone who can help you answer the questions you have about them – no matter how big, small or silly they feel.

You have access to resources, a community of oil lovers and users, inspirational oil recipes and continuing education to empower you to use your oils that you have just invested in.
You have access to this your whole lifetime of your oil use – whether that be a year or 10 years.

Do you get that from the company where you bought them off the shelf?

“But what do you actually do?”

Quite simply, a wellness advocate loves and uses doTERRA essential oils and products, and how we use them is the heart of the Wellness Lifestyle.

We encourage this business and sharing to be done in an authentic and non-salesy way or pushy way.

We love the products!
We talk about the products that we use, and share what we learn as we educate ourselves and then when anyone else is ready to do that, we help them learn, too!

So if you have essential oils in your life, share them naturally with others by talking about them with others, then this business could be for you.

Who is this business for?

This business is for everyone.
You get to choose what it looks like for you.
The hours, the office, the members!
You can work from anywhere, whenever you want, with whoever you want!

There is so much flexibility here making it the perfect business for busy. people and students who are enthusiastic about helping others with a wellness journey of their own, in spite of a busy schedule.

What do you need to start?

The only thing you need to be able to start a doTERRA business is a starter pack, or the oils you already have in your home, a love for the oils, computer or phone and the mindset to treat this as a job and respect your time.