Essential Oils Blog.
Homeschool Help.

Homeschool Help.

Hey guys, I’m Hayley, and for those of you who are new here, I am the face behind Hayley’s Liquid Love with a big heart for health and essential oils.

I’m also a mama to a beautiful little boy who is two and have spent 10 years in the child care industry.
Now, most don’t know it, but ‘daycare workers’ actually go through ALOT of training, it’s not just a baby sitting service.

I want to shed some light, happiness and inspiration to your homeschooling situation – whether you are new to homeschooling, thinking of homeschooling or maybe you already are, it’s good to get new ideas from different people!

Throughout this post i’m going to share some tips on how to help you create easy transitions and diffuser and roller recipes to create the perfect setting for a home learning environment.

I’m also going to share some yummy, healthy snacks and i’m going to share some love for you guys; the parents and how to support you guys through stress, motivation and how to create uplifted vibes in the household.

Lets chat about the most important thing when it comes to Homeschooling.
A Routine.

You’ll want to create a routine and stick to it as much as you can.
Block out a time frame in your day and dedicate it to “learning time”.
Block out some time for outdoor play and movement.
Block out some time for a calm activity.
and you’ll want to block out some time for family too.

Set some Boundaries.
These are extremely important when it comes to learning at home, and it’s easy to fall into some very unproductive habits as home is usually a place to relax.
So you’ll want to follow that schedule as much as you possibly can, and make it a boundary.
This will help to minimise fights, because they know “it’s our time for …..” and then we can do …….”.
But remember, this is a loving boundary.
Think of it as a ‘speed limit’, a guideline.

I wanna challenge you a little here:
I want you to try and view “Home schooling” in a different light.
It is not a school environment, so you can’t expect your child to sit and learn or do homework for 6 hours and learn the same way that they do at school.
Change your language from “home schooling” to “learning at home“.
does that make sense?

Home is our sanctuary, and we dont want our kids to resent or feel stressed in their home.

Children really do learn from everything they do.
So here’s your chance to incorporate learning into every day things.
Instead of writing in a textbook all day, mix it up and do something fun – throw a ball and practice timetables, counting or even se the opportunity for purposeful language.
There is a lot of children that benefit from learning by being active, it stimulates the brain and allows a lot of information to be absorbed.

Learn through experiences and adventures.
Have some fun with it.
The world is tough and confusing for our kids at the moment, so project some fun and create some memories that you will all look back on and love.

Filling diffusers:

Get your children to fill them up and put the oils in themselves.
You could say “alright, it’s time for some school work, lets get the focus oils on”.
This helps them to know it’s time to learn and focus for an hour or so.

You can do this to transition them from having fun outside, or their waking up and breakfast time to “lets do this“.

It’s kinda like a school bell, but smells way prettier!

Kids love helping and that’s a great way to educate them about what the oils are capable of, too.
We can empower the next generation with natural tools and solutions.
It will set them up well for the future.
This is how we make a difference in the world.


You can use diffusers to create the environment of your choice.
Aromatherapy is powerful.
When the oils are inhaled, the molecules in the oils send signals to the Limbic System which is the control centre of our brain.

Every oil has a specific molecular structure, the diffuser vibrates them into the air, you breathe it in and those molecules then communicate with your brain that controls your memory, emotions, mood, hormones and much more.

Use the oils.
Use them to create and drive the mood you want in your household.

Are your kiddos too hyped?
Add some calming oils like lavender or something woody.

Too Calm?
Put a citrusy uplifting oils in there.

Too unmotivated?
Use the oils to create focus with rosemary and peppermint oil.

Too stressed?
Grab out that balance and wild orange!

Its as simple as that!
You’ll see the change, i promise you.

Here are some diffuser blends for specific support in these areas:

Morning Diffuser Blend.
Diffuser blend for school work and focus.
Use this diffuser blend to calm down and take some time to relax.
A blend for the parents, and for the kiddos to support emotions and feelings of stress.
We all hear “I’m bored” way too much when the kids are around. This blend sparks creativity and a passion for what they enjoy doing. Turn this on and watch them create masterpeices – art or even down to lego!
This ones for mama! and an extra little tip that I love doing: Add a drop of peppermint oil to your coffee – you can thank me later!

Here are some Roller blends that will help you also:

Start the morning with Cheer to ensure a positive mood.
Intune Roller is perfect for kids, and parents for focus.
Peace Touch – a blend from our emotional aromatherapy range – incredible for doing exactly what it says; Peace.
Another blend from the emotional range to help support motivation and sparking creativity.
Pair this with Motivate blend and you will be motivated aswell as stimulating inspiration and a passion for the things you love doing. Kids aswell.
Every household with a child or breathing human being should have this in their home. It’s incredible for frustration support.

Diffuse or Apply a roller – whats better?

Now, the difference with diffusing and applying oils topically is that diffusers put the oil molecules into the air so we can breathe them in and benefit that way, where applying oils to the skin absorbs the oil into the blood stream and gets to where it needs to go internally.

Both are extremely powerful, and when paired together it makes for incredible results.

So if your new to essential oils, and are interested in bringing them into your home to support your family, you can read how to purchase them here
We have some beautiful starter kits that will fit right in to your family’s needs – check them out here

Now it wouldn’t be a homeschooling blog without a playdough recipe, right?!
So here’s our favourite non toxic aromadough recipe.
You can check that out here
(Don’t forget to tag @hayleysliquidlove on Instagram if you make it!)

It doesn’t matter how old you are, playdough is amazing and with this recipe, you can reap the aromatic benefits as you knead and mould the dough! #winning

I hope that this blog helped you in some way, or maybe gave you an insight on what essential oils are capable of.
Please don’t hesitate to send me a message if you want to know more about oils, or head over to Hayleys Liquid Love on facebook to see more.

Thankyou so much for reading!
Leave me some love in the comments.
Lots of love, Hayley xo

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