My Birth Story.

*Warning; If you’re anything like me and get emotional with birth stories, then you better go grab that tissue box! My birth story;Wednesday 18th of April 2018. It was a rainy morning as we woke up to our phone alarms at 6.00am so we could get ready to head to the hospital so I could be induced. I was already […]

Camping Essentials.

I feel like we are getting better and better at packing for our trips away, and with a toddler, and usually two dogs with us you have to be super organised, so nothing can be forgotten! I’m an essential oil mama, so they are one of the priorities that go on the camp list. They replace a whole heap of […]

What’s in my First Aid Kit?

This will probably shock you — i do not, and will not use medication.As a kid, and a teen, I had always refused pharmaceutical input, even when I suffered for years with Endometriosis, I would be curled up on the toilet floor in complete and utter agony, and barely even take a Panadol or a Nurofen – something inside me […]

Healthy Habits.

I’ll be the first one to admit that I have been stuck in a rut lately.Our routine was disrupted because we went away camping at the start of this month. It threw out our baby’s sleep routine – that’s if he got a nap at all while we were away.Although we had an amazing time and well needed time away, […]

Fast Start Bonus.

Hey guys!So, i’m going to show you in this post how to make your Loyalty Rewards Program order more affordable for you. I’ll show you how to get your oils paid for, constantly – which is a gift from doTERRA. How to earn Fast Start: When you join with doTERRA, you obviously want to purchase all of the oils and […]

What is your health worth to you?

What is your health worth to you?I need you to tap into that thought and really ask yourself;‘Is your health too expensive?‘ “If you think health is expensive, you should try illness” The most common response that i hear from people when they are looking into oils is: “Oh, they’re a bit expensive!” or “I can’t afford that, sorry!” Don’t […]

Get to know me;

Home / About Hayley Puzey Independent Wellness Advocate Welcome to Hayley’s Liquid Love My name is Hayley and I’m a Wellness Advocate for doTERRA. I’m here to show you what essential oils are all about and how they benefit our health. I get so excited about sharing these oils and my passion is for helping others connect to a natural […]

Life after joining doTERRA.

To put it plainly, I really, REALLY needed essential oils in my life and I stumbled across them at the most perfect time. At the time, I was trying for a baby, and had been for nearly a year, unsuccessfully. It was breaking my heart as its something my husband and I desperately wanted. I was working in a high-stress […]