Which diffuser is right for you?

Hey guys!I’m so happy to have you here, and hope that you find this post useful in choosing the right diffuser for you.Whether it means one that fits in with your home decor, or one that runs the longest at night, or has the biggest output. You’ll see throughout this post that i’m talking about doTERRA’s diffuser options, as i’ve […]

Makeup Brush Cleaner

Healthy skin is a woman’s best friend.When your skin is healthy, your makeup goes on better, you feel more confident, you have a glow… By using a natural cleaner for your makeup brush not only cleans your brushes, it will keep harsh chemicals off of your skin – you’re biggest organ! Our makeup brushes need to be cleaned often, we […]

Natural Snail Repellent.

We have snails in our new vegetable garden!I had beautiful flourishing green bean leaves, and then suddenly, overnight, they were all eaten. It was devastating. I was told by many to put snail pellets down, but do they even know me..? Haha! I will look for a natural alternative, and then another, and then another before I will even go […]

Homeschool Help.

Hey guys, I’m Hayley, and for those of you who are new here, I am the face behind Hayley’s Liquid Love with a big heart for health and essential oils. I’m also a mama to a beautiful little boy who is two and have spent 10 years in the child care industry.Now, most don’t know it, but ‘daycare workers’ actually […]

DIY Deodoriser

This do it yourself recipe is so simple, you guys.It’s Bicarb and it’s essential oils.Done. Simple. This recipe contains two of the main ingredients that I clean my home with, and why do I choose them?They are natural, cheap, non toxic and do a freaking amazing job with cleaning many different areas. Today we are talking Deodoriser.It’s a deodoriser of […]

Wisdom Tooth Removal.

My husband had a rotten wisdom tooth that desperately needed removal, the dental surgery quote was a few too many numbers longer than we had hoped and not having health cover, we started to save our pennies to work towards getting it done – because, health is a huge priority for us. My dad had told us about an amazing […]

DIY Dishwashing Liquid

When people think of making their own cleaning products, they get so overwhelmed because their brain complicates it.They’re so used to going to the store and buying them ready made from the shelf, “so if I have to make them, that’s just too hard!” I’m here to tell you that’s not the case.Making your own cleaning products is so freaking […]

What’s in my First Aid Kit?

This will probably shock you — i do not, and will not use medication.As a kid, and a teen, I had always refused pharmaceutical input, even when I suffered for years with Endometriosis, I would be curled up on the toilet floor in complete and utter agony, and barely even take a Panadol or a Nurofen – something inside me […]

Healthy Habits.

I’ll be the first one to admit that I have been stuck in a rut lately.Our routine was disrupted because we went away camping at the start of this month. It threw out our baby’s sleep routine – that’s if he got a nap at all while we were away.Although we had an amazing time and well needed time away, […]