Wild Orange Body Scrub.

This is the most beautiful body scrub that i’ve ever made, and it’s incredibly easy too. But the best part is that it’s so natural that i even licked the spoon when i was done mixing it all together. It’s made from completely 100% edible items (except the container!) making this safe and nourishing to your skin. It smells absolutely […]

Wellness Gummies.

Hey everyone, welcome back to my blog!Or if you’re new here, welcome! It’s winter here in Australia, and my goodness are we feeling it.Its time for hot teas, and it’s oversized hoodies and fluffy bed socks kinda cold so that means there’s a whole new bunch of environmental and seasonal threats that come with it. In this post, I’m going […]

DIY Cleaning Wipes.

Hello everyone, and welcome back to my DIY Series! We have covered a few DIY items now, so I thought I would cover the one thing that everyone uses, whether it be a quick clean, a deep clean or just a tidy up — cleaning wipes. Well, In saying that, I know that not everyone uses cleaning wipes, I know […]

Natural Snail Repellent.

We have snails in our new vegetable garden!I had beautiful flourishing green bean leaves, and then suddenly, overnight, they were all eaten. It was devastating. I was told by many to put snail pellets down, but do they even know me..? Haha! I will look for a natural alternative, and then another, and then another before I will even go […]

Homeschool Help.

Hey guys, I’m Hayley, and for those of you who are new here, I am the face behind Hayley’s Liquid Love with a big heart for health and essential oils. I’m also a mama to a beautiful little boy who is two and have spent 10 years in the child care industry.Now, most don’t know it, but ‘daycare workers’ actually […]

DIY Deodoriser

This do it yourself recipe is so simple, you guys.It’s Bicarb and it’s essential oils.Done. Simple. This recipe contains two of the main ingredients that I clean my home with, and why do I choose them?They are natural, cheap, non toxic and do a freaking amazing job with cleaning many different areas. Today we are talking Deodoriser.It’s a deodoriser of […]

Essential Oils for Labour and Birth.

Every birth experience can be different. Using essential oils during labour and delivery can be a great help if used the right way! I’ve helped many mama’s get set up with essential oils for birth, and everyone has had their own beautiful experience with them, in different ways. I have personally had a positive experience using essential oils to support […]

Travelling to Bali with a toddler.

It’s been exciting.Watching the excitement of a holiday through a toddlers eyes. It’s his first time on a plane, in an airport and even in a bus taxi – he was in total awe of the things he was experiencing.That being said, the plane ride was a total unknown, well because, he’s a toddler! Would he sit still? Would we […]

DIY Dishwashing Liquid

When people think of making their own cleaning products, they get so overwhelmed because their brain complicates it.They’re so used to going to the store and buying them ready made from the shelf, “so if I have to make them, that’s just too hard!” I’m here to tell you that’s not the case.Making your own cleaning products is so freaking […]

Low Tox Washing Powder

It is so rewarding to be able to change the cleaning products in our home to a better and cleaner option. It’s even better when it’s saving you money AND saving your health. This recipe is super easy to do. I did it all with a toddler on my hip.But not only is it easy, it lasts SO long! In […]