Homeschool Help.

Hey guys, I’m Hayley, and for those of you who are new here, I am the face behind Hayley’s Liquid Love with a big heart for health and essential oils. I’m also a mama to a beautiful little boy who is two and have spent 10 years in the child care industry.Now, most don’t know it, but ‘daycare workers’ actually […]

DIY Deodoriser

This do it yourself recipe is so simple, you guys.It’s Bicarb and it’s essential oils.Done. Simple. This recipe contains two of the main ingredients that I clean my home with, and why do I choose them?They are natural, cheap, non toxic and do a freaking amazing job with cleaning many different areas. Today we are talking Deodoriser.It’s a deodoriser of […]

Low Tox Washing Powder

It is so rewarding to be able to change the cleaning products in our home to a better and cleaner option. It’s even better when it’s saving you money AND saving your health. This recipe is super easy to do. I did it all with a toddler on my hip.But not only is it easy, it lasts SO long! In […]

DIY Dishwasher Tablets

Hey everyone, I was whipping up some dishwashing tablets at 9.45pm tonight (because they are so easy to do), and I had some inspiration to share with you guys the recipes that I make at home to ensure they are a healthier and cleaner option for my family. They are made with only 5 ingredients too so making my own […]

What’s in my First Aid Kit?

This will probably shock you — i do not, and will not use medication.As a kid, and a teen, I had always refused pharmaceutical input, even when I suffered for years with Endometriosis, I would be curled up on the toilet floor in complete and utter agony, and barely even take a Panadol or a Nurofen – something inside me […]

Get to know me;

Home / About Hayley Puzey Independent Wellness Advocate Welcome to Hayley’s Liquid Love My name is Hayley and I’m a Wellness Advocate for doTERRA. I’m here to show you what essential oils are all about and how they benefit our health. I get so excited about sharing these oils and my passion is for helping others connect to a natural […]

Life after joining doTERRA.

To put it plainly, I really, REALLY needed essential oils in my life and I stumbled across them at the most perfect time. At the time, I was trying for a baby, and had been for nearly a year, unsuccessfully. It was breaking my heart as its something my husband and I desperately wanted. I was working in a high-stress […]