Essential Oils Blog.
My Birth Story.

My Birth Story.

*Warning; If you’re anything like me and get emotional with birth stories,
then you better go grab that tissue box!

My birth story;
Wednesday 18th of April 2018.

It was a rainy morning as we woke up to our phone alarms at 6.00am so we could get ready to head to the hospital so I could be induced. I was already pretty upset about being induced, but my baby had stopped growing and needed to come out.

I’m not gonna lie, I’m a first time mum and I was petrified. I had absolutely no idea what to expect and the fear of the unknown was pretty hard — i’ve seen the movies and how bad labour is made out to be.

Everything was packed and it was time to put the dogs out in the pouring rain. That’s when I finally let it all go, the tears were coming harder and stronger than the rain outside.
We got in the car; Mum, Hubby and I, and we prayed. We prayed that I would have peace and that He would be there with me throughout this whole experience. We prayed for the right people to be placed with us aswell.

Earlier that morning, I had prayed that He be with me, for Him to be my pain relief and for my son to come into this world with such peace and be healthy and safe.

We got to the hospital and settled into the birth suite which was overlooking the car park through a rain splattered window. Mum and Hubby got comfy on the couch and the oils were pulled out of my hospital bag and ready to go — priorities!

Diffuser recipe was;
2x Balance | 2x Wild Orange | 2x Elevation.
I also rolled my ‘Relax Mumma’ roller on the bottoms of my feet which consisted of;
Balance | Franki | Bergamot | Lavender Peace.

We then met our wonderful Midwife Amy, who was such a beautiful and gentle soul who calmed us, joked with us and explained everything to us as she did things — our first prayer answered.

At 8.30am, my waters were broken and after having a conversation with Amy earlier she knew that I wanted a natural birth as much as I possibly could, so she pushed for the doctors to let me have 2 hours to see if Bub would come on his own. I was so appreciative of that!

For the next hour and a half, we all joked, bantered and wondered what this gorgeous little baby was going to look like as Amy closely monitored Bub and myself.
Baby’s heart rate was abnormally high and stayed high for a while. They got me to drink water to hydrate and see if it would come down, and it didn’t.
The doctors cut my waiting time short and hooked me up to the hormone drip. I was disappointed, but in the same breathe I didn’t care as my boy needed to be safe.

Another midwife popped her head in a short moment after and curiously asked me what was in my diffuser, then suggested to maybe take the Elevation out as it might be affecting Bub and the reason his heart rate was high.
It Immediately registered that that’s exactly what it was, as I added that oil to the recommended recipe for myself to stay energised, but didn’t even think of the effect it would have on Bub.

We tipped it out and replaced it with lavender Peace and I made a conscious effort to watch the clock and it took 5 minutes for the change and his heart rate to drop into the correct rate.
I promised myself I would tell everybody I knew who uses oils to stick with calming oils in their birth suite, and to also point out that that’s how powerful aromatherapy is!

Labour had begun, and at this point I rolled the Jasmine roller and applied Clary Sage across my lower abdomen, ankles and breathed them in on my hands.
I did accept the anti nausea drug as that first contraction made me want to throw up instantly, and I knew we had a long road ahead of us so I accepted.
Peppermint and DigestZen were packed to support this part of birth, and I used the peppermint roller on my tummy and breathed it in.

The contractions began and it was scary how tolerable they were. After my years of Endometriosis pain every month, it felt really similar and I truly believe that’s what helped me to tolerate half of the labour with ease.

My mum swapped out with my sister who had left from work early to come and support me, and as she walked in the room, that’s when I transitioned into active labour.
It hurt, and my poor sister had that “I don’t know how I can help you” look that she used to give me when I would suffer with my intense period pain and swapped back out with mum.

Another application of Jasmine + Clary Sage to my abdomen and inner ankles and off we went.
I was on all fours over the exercise ball, and this is when my mind kind of goes blank, the moment where I slipped into a world of my own, where I could hear everyone, but I was so focused on my birth that it was a faded sound in the background.

I do remember my back aching so badly due to being spine to spine with the baby, and asking my hubby to rub Black Pepper and FCO on my hips and back. It felt a-mazing!
(and yep, i did my research on EVERY birth experience so i was prepared oil wise to support my body in every way – i wasn’t having no drugs!)

There was one moment during strong contractions that were coming hard and fast every minute that I called out and said “ahh I should’ve just had a cesearean” and I remember mum saying “hey, you’ve made it this far, you got this baby”.

It was encouraging and I also knew it was time for some oils – I inhaled a drop of balance from my cupped hands.
Balance is extremely supportive in boosting confidence and taking away worry or anxious feelings, and im incredibly happy that i had this with me.

Then, whilst leaning over the ball, I felt this huge urge to push, so I told Amy and she said I shouldn’t be ready yet, then I said ‘no really, I feel like I need to push’ and she told me to jump up on the bed.
She checked me and said I was at 7cm and that she ‘wasn’t going to take a lunch break because this baby is coming!’
We all couldn’t believe it, he was coming, already, and so fast!

By the time Amy got the doc, I was 10cm and severely needing to push, my body was making me. The doc kept saying to hold it and not to push until the cervix was ready. She didn’t believe Amy that I had dilated that quickly, but this baby was coming!
The doc had a quick look and to her surprise, I was ready.
The next thing I remember was my beautiful husband putting his head on mine and gasping “oh my god” in my ear with pure love and emotion as he saw his sons head for the first time, and seconds afterwards, my baby was placed on my chest.

My little family during the golden hour.

My beautiful, beautiful son was here, and I could finally hold him.
There are absolutely no words to complete the rest of the sentences to explain the exact feelings I felt in that moment.
Then the love I felt watching my husband check him over and adoring the creation we had just made. The pride that draped over him and the love in his eyes when he looked at me.

There laid this perfect and beautiful little boy, with 10 fingers and 10 toes and the most gorgeous little button nose. I immediately saw the similarity to my sister in his facial features.

Then the love I felt as my family came in one by one to meet him — the tears that welled in my dads eyes as he popped his head through the curtain to see his baby girl laying there with her baby boy on her chest; he was so proud.

and the first thing i said to my sister – quoting our favourite shared meme on social media — “i made dis”.

All these moments I will hold dearly in my heart forever.

So in the end, my active labour was 2 hours and I’d shocked most of the midwives and nurses that I’d met afterwards that he was my first baby as to why he came so quick.

I truly and honestly put it down to the support of the oils and the fact that i listened to my amazing body who knew exactly what it was doing and the power of my mind.

It was so empowering and ladies, so achievable.

My time as a mum had started, I was ready.

Here are some images from this beautiful day;

Our beautiful angel midwife, Amy.

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